Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Maintenance Print Server Patching Routine patching on Windows.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine patching on Windows.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine patching on Windows.
Outage Outage The server suffered a disk failure in its RAID 5 array.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine patching on Windows.
Maintenance Print Server Patching
Maintenance FileMaker Pro Server Patching Routine patching on Windows.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine patching on Windows.
Maintenance ccsamba Alias Change On June 29th at 5:00 pm the alias that points ccsamba to davro will be updated to point to holder.
Maintenance Mail Head Server Maintenance On Tuesday June 29th at 5:00 pm the servers ace3 and ace4 will be added to the mx records to begin receiving mail. The server will be removed as an mx server in preperation for retirement of the server.
Outage Research Backup System Offline The backup server for research systems is offline while disk maintenance is performed.
Outage Web Server Downtime The host was experiencing NFS issues, causing some websites to be unavailable. The serer was rebooted to return the service to normal.
Outage Blackberry Sendmail Outage Sending mail from blackberry devices attached to our Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) instance was non-functional. It was first observed at 8:45 AM on June 18. GTRI restarted the BES and sendmail began working again at 10:00 AM.
Maintenance Router Maintenance Moving the router interfaces from the Klaus router back to the CCB router.
Maintenance Exchange Server Patching Routine Exchange server patching.
Maintenance Server Name Change The home directory server will have its name changed to
Outage BuzzCard Center Outage The BuzzCard Center is unable to upload data to Continuum.
Maintenance Extending VLANs for TSRB Switch New VLANs are being added to one network switch in TSRB. It should only affect a few rooms.
Outage Multiple Website Outages One of the CoC webservers became unresponsive, causing multiple websites to become unavailable.
Maintenance Windows Desktop Patching Patching on Windows desktops.
Maintenance Chilled Water Maintenance ALL of CCB will be without regulated temperature for approximately 60 hours.
Maintenance Retirement The former Commvault backup server was decommissioned.
Outage Exchange Outage Brief Exchange outage.
Maintenance NIS Server Move Moving the NIS server to KACB.
Maintenance VPN Server Move Moving the VPN server to KACB.