Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Maintenance CoC User Account Maintenance Turning on the automated account maintenance processes.
Maintenance OS PATCH
Outage SharePoint outage Changes to SharePoint not functioning
Maintenance LANDesk Upgrade Upgrading LANDesk to v9.0
Outage Power Failure A power strip went bad resulting in shutting down.
Maintenance Exchange Patching Routine Exchange server maintenance.
Maintenance Server Patching Routine server patching
Maintenance Monitoring server move At 2:00 pm, Thursday, February 26, 2009, TSO will be relocating from CCB 247 to KACB 2219 server room. During this time, server monitoring services will be unavailable. No user services will be affected.
Maintenance JINX Cluster Maintenance The JINX cluster is being taken offline for maintenance.
Maintenance Exchange & BES Patching Patching BES and Exchange servers.
Outage Anonymous FTP Server Outage is unavailable.
Maintenance Move The server will be moved to the Klaus server room.
Maintenance Database Server Performed firmware updating. Affected RT ticketing system.
Maintenance Older Research Servers Retirement We will be permanently retiring these servers
Outage Outage The file server went offline.
Maintenance Retirement Retiring
Outage NFS services down NFS Services down
Maintenance Chilled Water Maintenance Maintenance on the Holland Chilled Water plant.
Maintenance TSRB Electrical Maintenance TSRB MDF Data Center will be shut down.
Outage BlackBerry Outage BlackBerries are unable to send or receive email.
Maintenance Update web servers update Apache version
Outage Reserch Servers Down Faulty network cables brought down 2 research servers.
Outage Blackberry email service outage Blackberry email services went down at the Research In Motion (RIM) corporation resulting in an outage for the Americas network.
Maintenance Certificate update for email2 This is to update the bad certificate on email2. Down time should only be about 15 minutes.
Outage Samba server reboot Samba server had become unresponsive