Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.
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Type of Notice | Title | Description | Date Sort ascending |
Maintenance | Windows Test Server Patching | Routine monthly patching | |
Outage | Outage | was rebooted. | |
Outage | Partial CoC VPN Outage | Some CoC VPN users were unable to reach their home directories. | |
Maintenance | JINX Maintenance | will be rebooted. | |
Maintenance | Windows Server Patching | Routine monthly patching | |
Outage | GT Connectivity Issues | Off-campus access to GT resources my be slow. | |
Maintenance | LAWN Maintenance | LAWN services moving to newer hardware. | |
Outage | Swiki Outage | The swiki server was unavailable. | |
Maintenance | GT Border Firewalls Maintenance | Code upgrades to the border firewalls. | |
Outage | Swiki Outage | The swiki server was unavailable. | |
Maintenance | Windows Test Server Patching | Routine monthly patching | |
Maintenance | UNIX Systems Patching, Day 4 | Routine semesterly systems patching. | |
Maintenance | UNIX Systems Patching, Day 3 | Routine semesterly systems patching. | |
Maintenance | UNIX Systems Patching, Day 2 | Routine semesterly systems patching. | |
Maintenance | Network Maintenance for CCB and TSRB | Network switch code upgrades. | |
Maintenance | UNIX Systems Patching, Day 1 | Routine semesterly systems patching. | |
Maintenance | Exchange Maintenance | Applying the latest service pack for Exchange. | |
Maintenance | Windows Server Patching | Routine monthly patching | |
Outage | Emergency Server Reboots | Two CoC servers whose remote consoles had become unresponsive were rebooted. | |
Maintenance | Campus VPN Client Upgrade | Upgrading the AnyConnect client. | |
Maintenance | Banner Login Change | Banner will begin using GT credentials. | |
Maintenance | MyGaTech Maintenance | MyGaTech will be unavailable. | |
Outage | Partial TSRB Network Outage | A portion of the 2nd floor of TSRB was without network connectivity. | |
Outage | CoC VPN Outage | The CoC VPN is unavailable. | |
Outage | CCB & TSRB Partial Network Outage | Partial network outage in CCB & TSRB. |