Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Maintenance Banner/Oscar Scheduled Maintenance Routine system patching.
Outage OMSCS Website Outage OIT webhosting outage.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance The ELMS for DreamSpark Team will take the CoC DreamSpark ELMS software center offline.
Maintenance Shuttles Cluster Maintenance Shuttles cluster reload.
Maintenance Network Switch Maintenance Network switch maintenance.
Outage WebEx Outage Joining WebEx meetings not fully functional.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Banner database upgrade.
Maintenance GT Database Systems Maintenance OIT scheduled maintenance.
Maintenance GT Authentication Scheduled Maintenance Scheduled maintenance of the GT authentication system.
Outage GT Email Outage GT email outage.
Outage GT LDAP Outage GT LDAP/GTED outage.
Maintenance Campus VPN Maintenance Routine system maintenance.
Maintenance VSS Fiber Maintenance TSO and OIT will re-enable the network fiber connection that was disabled after the recent VSS maintenance.
Maintenance Departmental VPN Maintenance AnyConnect VPN clients will be updated.
Outage CCB Partial LAWN Outage Wireless LAWN was partially unavailable in the CCB.
Maintenance CoC Network Maintenance - VSS Core router service upgradge.
Maintenance KACB Network Maintenance Router software upgrade.
Outage Partial Website Outage Brief website outage.
Maintenance CCB Network Maintenance Router software upgrade.
Maintenance Pharos Printing Scheduled Maintenance Pharos printing system upgrades.
Maintenance Chilled Water Planned Maintenance Chilled water outage.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Routine maintenance.
Outage Emergency Reboot of Killerbee1 Emergency reboot of
Outage Office 365 Webmail Outage GT Office 365 outage.
Outage Sendmail Outage on Webhosting Sendmail outage on web-plesk5.