OutLANd Networking Policy

TSO maintains a range of IP network addresses, referred to as OutLANd, that may be used for non-TSO-managed systems. The purpose of OutLANd is to provide a network for systems that require a fixed IP address (and associated DNS name) but are not managed by TSO OutLANd is intended for those with special and compelling computing needs and is not intended as a convenience for users who simply want to administer their own system.

Locking Down Equipment

For insurance reasons, all CoC owned equipment must be locked down to prevent theft. We must be able to provide "proof of forced entry" to our insurers when equipment has been stolen. Typically, a cut cable or parts of cables/locks provide this proof.  TSO provides heavy steel lock down cables and padlocks to lock down permanent items like desktop computers, LCD monitors, printers, projectors, etc.