Exchange services were restored at 4:00 PM on April 20. The email queues have received and sent any backed up email created from the outage. BlackBerry email is back online, as well.

Exchange services remain unavailable.

Per the message below, Exchange services were going to be available after 8:00 AM; however, defragmentation is still running on the Exchange database. The estimated time for completion was 5.5 hours but it has exceeded this window. At this time, we are unable to estimate when it will be complete due to severe fragmentation of the database. This process is not only necessary for the migration but is a Microsoft best practice for regular maintenance.

We apologize for the inconvenience, appreciate your patience, and will keep you posted as changes occur.

In preparation for the migration of the College's Microsoft Exchange services to a new platform, Exchange email stores will be taken off-line on Sunday, April 20, 2008, from 12:00 AM - 8:00 AM to defragment the Exchange database. As a result, Exchange and associated BlackBerry services will be unavailable during this time. During this maintenance period, BlackBerry devices will be able to make and receive calls.

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